Top Marks Check List for MYP
i. constructs a detailed and logical plan, which describes the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution
A detailed and logical plan that can be read by a 3rd party and the 3rd party can make sense of your plan and even follow your plan and your plan needs to address:
Time (how long will each task take)​
Date (when will each task happen)
What (explain each task - what are you actually doing)
Who (if group work, who is responsible for which task(s))
Resources (what are materials, software, hardware, tools, etc. are you using for each task)
​Include a series of logical steps to create the solution, using charts, diagrams and text that include aspects of quality control and quality assurance
Construct a plan to create the solution that demonstrates effective use of resources and time
Constructing a logical plan that details the steps required to make a solution
ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution.
Provide clear explanations about what skills you developed and what skills you utilised to make your product. This can be a bullet point list, photos, explanations &/or video of specific skills linked to specific tasks. High technical skills &/or newly developed skills are needed to be demonstrated for top marks. Identify the skill and link those skills to evidence.
Provide evidence that you developed manipulative skills to effectively use a wide range of tools, techniques and equipment
iii. follows the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately
Present your product/solution
Briefly explain how your product/solution fully met the Design Brief and solved the initial problem
iv. fully justifies changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution
Identify and provide clear explanations about what changes/iterations/adjustments/improvements you made as you were creating your product
Identify adjustments you made and why you made these adjustments (changes made should be linked to feedback from peers, feedback from client/target audience and linked to the design specifications).
Compare your finished product to the Best Design in Criterion B (iv) and what you planned to make in Criterion C (i)
Identify and justify any changes made during the creation process