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CAD Design

Media Centre

Sketch Up

Design Technology

Unit title: Media Centre - Sketch Up
MYP Year: 9
Unit duration: 8 weeks

Timeline and Class Guide/Tasks: visit here


Problem:  In April 2019 HJIS will open the new Media Centre and currently it is a big empty space and not ready for use.


Design Brief: Your task is to research Media Centres, Libraries, Interior Design, Architecture and, matching with the current and future needs of the HJIS Staff and Students, create a well-designed space that enhances learning and creativity. Students reflect on how the built environment has a large hand in subconsciously shaping how we feel, and therefore how we act. Students design this space so it has a positive effect on the user's feelings and behaviour. Students create a scale architectural model that showcases this new space.


Design Specifications: Your product must:

  • be accurate in size and measurement

  • skillfully use colour to enhance learning and creativity

  • meet the needs of the stakeholders and end users

  • skilful select furniture to enhance learning and creativity

  • be visually attractive and inviting

  • be able to have two large classes use the room at the same time without disruption

  • be neat and tidy

Approaches to learning (ATL) skills that you will specifically teach and practice throughout the unit

  • Thinking skills

  • Communication skills

  • Research skills


Statement of Inquiry: How we feel and act is influenced subconsciously by the environment we created around us. We can change ourselves by changing our environment


Luke Watson Teach | Design MYP & ICT

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