CAD Design
Media Centre
Sketch Up
Design Technology

Unit title: Media Centre - Sketch Up
MYP Year: 9
Unit duration: 8 weeks
Timeline and Class Guide/Tasks: visit here
Problem: In April 2019 HJIS will open the new Media Centre and currently it is a big empty space and not ready for use.
Design Brief: Your task is to research Media Centres, Libraries, Interior Design, Architecture and, matching with the current and future needs of the HJIS Staff and Students, create a well-designed space that enhances learning and creativity. Students reflect on how the built environment has a large hand in subconsciously shaping how we feel, and therefore how we act. Students design this space so it has a positive effect on the user's feelings and behaviour. Students create a scale architectural model that showcases this new space.
Design Specifications: Your product must:
be accurate in size and measurement
skillfully use colour to enhance learning and creativity
meet the needs of the stakeholders and end users
skilful select furniture to enhance learning and creativity
be visually attractive and inviting
be able to have two large classes use the room at the same time without disruption
be neat and tidy
Approaches to learning (ATL) skills that you will specifically teach and practice throughout the unit
Thinking skills
Communication skills
Research skills
Statement of Inquiry: How we feel and act is influenced subconsciously by the environment we created around us. We can change ourselves by changing our environment