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Ci MYP DESIGN: How to get a score of 8 for Criterion C Strand I

Writer's picture: @lukewatsonteach@lukewatsonteach

How to get a TOP MARKS for Criterion C Strand I

C i. constructs a detailed and logical plan, which describes the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution


  • Identify all the tasks that need to be addressed to complete the project

  • Explain every task so others can understand

  • Order every task in logical sequence

  • Create a detailed and logical plan that can be read and understood by a 3rd party and the 3rd party can make sense of your plan and even follow your plan to build your product

  • Be sure to address:

    • Time - duration (how long will each task take)​

    • Time - date (when will each task happen)

    • What (explain each task - what are you actually doing)

    • Who (if group work, who is responsible for which task(s))

    • Resources (what are materials, software, hardware, tools, etc. are you using for each task)

  • Consider using charts, diagrams, a flow chart, Gannt chart &/or text (example below)

  • Consider including aspects of quality control and quality assurance

Below is a video to help guide you as you create your CRITERION C SUMMATIVE REPORT

Differentiation & Assessment for Criterion C Strand i

0 >> The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.​

3-4 >> The student constructs a plan that contains some production details, resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan

5-6 >> The student constructs a logical plan, which considers time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution

7-8 >> The student constructs a detailed and logical plan, which describes the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution

Criterion Ci Differentiation

i. The student constructs a plan….

that contains some production details -->

that is logical which considers time and resources -->

that is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources →

resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan -->

sufficient for peers to be able to follow -->

to create the solution

Below are some images to help guide students prepare DESIGN CRITERION Ci

The above image is an example of a user-friendly plan

The above image is an example of a SIMPLE PLAN

The above image is an example of a user-friendly plan

The above image is an example of a user-friendly plan

The above image is an example of a user-friendly plan

The above image is an example of a MATERIAL LIST to accompany your user-friendly plan

The above image is an example of a user-friendly plan

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Tristan Armero Levasseur
Tristan Armero Levasseur
May 06, 2024


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