IB MYP Design Criterion A Strand IV Explained
A iv. develops a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research
Revisit A ii. and conduct the research you planned and share your findings
Provide clear evidence that a wide variety of research was conducted (citations and bibliography)
To conclude, craft a neat and concise Design Brief - tips on crafting a design brief:
present information concisely
explain how and why the information is relevant to solving the problem
link to research (i.e. cite key elements in your design brief)
revisit Ai and address the key elements (problem and target audience/client)
identify a clear goal "I will design..."
who is it for "for ...."
why "to address the problem of..."
where "it will be created and delivered/installed ... "
identify when the product will be completed and presented
add any contextual information to add meaning
Criterion A Strand iv Assessment
0 ~ student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors
1-2 ~ develops a basic design brief, which states the findings of relevant research
3-4 ~ develops a design brief, which outlines the analysis of relevant research
5-6 ~ develops a design brief, which explains the analysis of relevant research
7-8 ~ develops a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research
Criterion A Strand iv Differentiation
The student develops a (basic design brief --> design brief --> detailed design brief), which (states the findings --> outlines the analysis --> explains the analysis --> summarizes the analysis) of relevant research