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Robotics, Video & Coding

VEXIQ, VEXVR, VEXV5, Python & Video

Digital Design - MYP Design - VEX Robotics

VEX Robotics STEM Unit


Unit Title: COMPUTER SCIENCE: Robotics, Coding & Video


Statement of inquiry: Technical innovations require collaboration, evaluation and functioning systems based on logic.


Key concepts:

  • Communication is the exchange or transfer of signals, facts, ideas and symbols. It requires a sender, a message and an intended receiver. Communication involves the activity of conveying information or meaning. Effective communication requires a common 'language' (which may be written, spoken or non-verbal).

  • Creativity is the process or ability to make or produce something new and original, often characterized by the use of imagination or divergent thinking. It may be evident in the process as well as the outcome, solution or product.

  • Development is the act or process of growth, progress or evolution, sometimes through iterative improvements.

  • Logic is a method of reasoning and a system of principles used to build arguments and reach conclusions.

Inquiry Questions:

  • Factual: Identify the key parts of VEX VR, VEX IQ Robots, VEX Code and VEX V5 Robots.

  • Conceptual: Describe, with examples, how computational thinking, problem-solving and trouble-shooting skills can transfer.

  • Debatable: What impact on society will the increase of robotics used in society have on the workforce? 


Related concepts:

  • Collaboration

  • Innovation

  • Adaptation

  • Invention

Global context & explorations:  Scientific and technical innovation

Unit Aims:

  • Enjoy the design process, develop an appreciation of its elegance and power

  • Develop knowledge, understanding and skills from different disciplines to design and create solutions to problems using the design cycle

  • Use and apply technology effectively as a means to access, process and communicate information, model and create solutions, and to solve problems

  • Develop an appreciation of the impact of design innovations for life, global society and environments

  • Develop respect for others’ viewpoints and appreciate alternative solutions to problems


ATL skills: Social, Self-management, Thinking

Learner Profile Attributes:

  • Inquirers

  • Knowledgeable

  • Thinkers

  • Communicators

  • Open-minded

  • Risk-takers (Courageous)

  • Reflective

Tech Focus:

  • VEX VR

  • VEX IQ

  • VEX V5

  • Video

  • Python


Content Focus:

  • Persuasive video for a target audience

  • Demonstrating and communicating skill development and learning



  • Coding and Programming

  • Mulit-media (Video)

  • Robotics

  • Rapid Prototyping

  • Applied Uses of Robots 



  • Generating realistic designs

  • Building a robot

  • Programming/coding

  • Designing Tests

  • Video captures and editing

  • Sound capture and editing

  • Photography and photo editing



Some parents and teachers have expressed concerns that Computer Science, Robotics, VEXVR, VEXIQ, VEXV5 and Coding has no educational value and should be removed from the school's curriculum.


Design Brief: 

Your task, in a small group, is to create a multi-media presentation (video, animation or podcast) to convince, these concerned parties, that indeed Computer Science, Robotics, VEXVR, VEXIQ, VEXV5 and Coding has significant educational value and that it must remain in the school curriculum.


Design Specifications: Your product must features:

  • Evidence that there is an increase of knowledge, skills and understandings of the students in Computer Science classes

  • Excellent use of multi-media technology (video, sound, images, transitions, editing and text)

  • Demonstrations of a vast array of Coding, Robotics and Technical skills

  • Student voices and faces in the content

  • Persuasion of the target audience

  • Evidence of ATL skills of teamwork, collaboration, self-organisation, thinking and problem solving

  • Evidence of LEARNING ACTIVITIES that are authentic and challenging,  that provides opportunities for students to think, collaborate, inquire and communicate and demonstrate computational thinking and processes

  • Evidence of students demonstrating the LEARNER PROFILE attributes - Thinkers and Communicators


A: Inquiring and analysing
i. explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem
ii. construct a research plan, which states and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem
iii. analyse a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem
iv. develop a design brief, which presents the analysis of relevant research


B: Developing ideas
i. develop a design specification, which outlines the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the data collected
ii. present a range of feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by others
iii. present the chosen design and outline the reasons for its selection
iv. develop accurate planning drawings/diagrams and outline requirements for the creation of the chosen solution


C: Creating the solution
i. construct a logical plan, which outlines the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution
ii. demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the solution
iii. follow the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended
iv. explain changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution


D: Evaluating
i. describe detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate accurate data, to measure the success of the solution
ii. explain the success of the solution against the design specification
iii. describe how the solution could be improved
iv. describe the impact of the solution on the client/target audience



(Criterion A) Inquiring and Analyzing
Lesson 1 ~ 09.02A i. explains and justifies the need for a solution to a problem


  1. create a new summative assessment google doc for this project (Mr Watson will share the template) (10-20min)

  2. in your own words, explain the problem (10-20min)

  3. write a paragraph that justifies the need to solve the problem ~ conduct some research about the need to teach students technology and computer science and coding skills (statistics, personal, persuade, quotes, images, etc.)​ (10-20min)

ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Self-management 

  • Critical thinking

  • Research - Information literacy and Media literacy



  • The student (states --> outlines --> explains --> explains & justifies) the need for a solution to a problem for a specified client/target audience​


Lesson 2 ~ 13.02 ~ A ii. constructs a research plan, which states and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem independently


  1. Create a research plan table 

  • research topics brainstorm and list (10-20min)

  • prioritise and classify as primary/secondary (10-20min)

  • location of research (10-20min)

ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Self-management + Organization

  • Research

  • Thinking


  • The student (outlines a --> constructs a --> constructs a detailed) research plan, which identifies primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem, (with some guidance --> independently)

Lesson 3 & 4 ~ 15.03 & 17.02 ~ A iii. analyses a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem


  1. Python Coding Challenges: 

ATL Skills:

  • Thinking

  • Digital Literacy

  • Problem-Solving

Analysis Guide:

  • Identify the TECH tool used

  • Identify your TECH skill level at the start and compare it to your level at the conclusion

  • Identify the TECH skills you developed through this activity

  • Capture evidence of the TECH skills you developed (code, images or video)

  • Review of the TECH tool - strengths, weaknesses, user experience and suitability for this project


  • The student analyses (one --> a range) of existing products that inspire a solution to the (problem --> problem in detail)

Lesson 5 & 6 ~ 21.02 & 23.02 ~​ A iii. analyses a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem


  1. VEXVR Coding Challenges:

    1. ​VEXVR Challenge

    2. VEXVR Coding Platform



  1. Students set up a VEX VR account and familiarise themselves (15min)

  2. Students access VEX VR Challenges and work through coding tutorials/challenges (differentiation -- self-pacing)(2 x 30min)

VEX VR Challenges:

  1. Distance Drive

  2. Basketball Drills

  3. Storm the Castle

  4. Draw a House

  5. Grid Map Spiral

  6. Letter Maze

  7. Number Maze

  8. Find Your Age

  9. Coordinate Numbers 

  10. Disk Color Maze

  11. Disk Mover

  12. Castle Color Match

  13. Crash the Castle

  14. Sweep the Castle 

ATL Skills:

  • Thinking

  • Digital Literacy

  • Problem-Solving

Analysis Guide:

  • Identify the TECH tool used

  • Identify your TECH skill level at the start and compare it to your level at the conclusion

  • Identify the TECH skills you developed through this activity

  • Capture evidence of the TECH skills you developed (code, images or video)

  • Review of the TECH tool - strengths, weaknesses, user experience and suitability for this project



  • The student analyses (one --> a range) of existing products that inspire a solution to the (problem --> problem in detail)

Lesson 7 & 8 ~ 27.02 & 01.03 ~​ A iii. analyses a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem


  1. Study SEE-HEAR-FEEL  (10-20min)

  2. Video-making challenge: with a partner or group of 3: create, design, film, edit and produce one of these short films:

    • a day in the life of a G7 MYP student 

    • how to tidy your locker

    • how to shoot a free-throw

    • how to write the school name in Chinese

    • five tips on how to be a great student

    • how to navigate the school hallways during break time

    • how to get a LATE PASS

    • how to BORROW A BOOK from the library

Focus = Camera Operation 

  1. SEE-HEAR-FEEL See - aspect ratio, shots, transitions, camera distances, camera movement and over-the-shoulder

  2. Composition

  3. Camera Shot Types Part 1

  4. Camera Shot Types Part 2

ATL Skills:

  • Thinking

  • Digital Literacy

  • Problem-Solving

Analysis Guide:

  • Identify the TECH tool(s) used

  • Identify your TECH skill level at the start and compare it to your level at the conclusion

  • Identify the TECH skills you developed through this activity

  • Capture evidence of the TECH skills you developed (code, images or video)

  • Review of the TECH tool - strengths, weaknesses, user experience and suitability for this project


  • The student analyses (one --> a range) of existing products that inspire a solution to the (problem --> problem in detail)

Lesson 9 & 10 ~ 03.03 & 08.03 ~​ A iii. analyses a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem


  1. Vex vehicle challenge with a partner (2 competitions at the end of each class)

ATL Skills:

  • Thinking

  • Digital Literacy

  • Problem-Solving

Analysis Guide:

  • Identify the TECH tool used

  • Identify your TECH skill level at the start and compare it to your level at the conclusion

  • Identify the TECH skills you developed through this activity

  • Capture evidence of the TECH skills you developed (code, images or video)

  • ANALYSE the PRODUCTS [strengths, weaknesses, user experience and suitability for this project] :

    • your video

    • your peers' videos

    • your VEXIQ vehicle 

    • your peers'  VEXIQ vehicles and

    • video technology

    • video editing technology


  • The student analyses (one --> a range) of existing products that inspire a solution to the (problem --> problem in detail)

Lesson 11 ~ 10.03 ~ A iv. develops a design brief, which presents the analysis of relevant research


  • SECONDARY RESEARCH - Analysis of short films using the SEE-HEAR-FEEL guide:

    • See - comment about what you see (aspect ratio, shots, transitions, camera distances, camera movement and over-the-shoulder)​

    • Hear - comment about what you hear (diegetic and nondiegetic, synchronous and asynchronous, voiceover, voice + music + sound effects)

    • Feel - comment about what you feel (your own feelings and why)

  • PRIMARY RESEARCH - Analyse professional short videos using the SEE-HEAR-FEEL:

  • SECONDARY RESEARCH - Sustainable Development Goal 4 = Quality Education = Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

  • SECONDARY & PRIMARY RESEARCH - answer the important questions from your RESEARCH TABLE


  • DESIGN BRIEF: Your task, in a small group, is to create a multi-media presentation (video, animation or podcast) to convince these concerned parties that indeed Robotics, VEX IQ and Coding has significant educational value and that it must remain in the school curriculum.

  • PRIMARY RESEARCH A IV ~ Summaries of analysis of relevant research

    • Python

    • VEXVR

    • VEXIQ

    • Video Making​

  • SECONDARY RESEARCH A IV ~ Summaries of analysis of relevant research (10-20min)

    • Benefits of learning technology, computer science and coding

    • Film analysis (see-hear-feel)


ATL Skills:

  • Communication skills

  • Organization skills

  • Thinking skills

  • Collaboration


  • The student develops a (basic design brief --> design brief --> detailed design brief), which (states the findings --> outlines the analysis --> explains the analysis --> summarizes the analysis) of relevant research


DUE DATE - Criterion A ​- 10th March

Coding & Video Analysis

Criterion A Tips

The Challenge

"Students hone critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication skills while applying math, science, and engineering in a way that is meaningful and exciting. Robotics competitions are an excellent way to bring STEM skills to life, and they prepare students with the skills necessary to succeed in a 21st-century, global workforce."

Criterion B: Developing ideas

Lesson 1 ~ 14.03 ~ Criterion B i. develops a design specification which outlines the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the data collected


  1. Create a Criterion B google doc/slides (10-20min)

  2. Create a list of design specifications (30-40min) 



ATL Skills:

  • Thinking

  • Self-Management

  • Communication


Some parents and teachers have expressed concerns that Computer Science, Robotics, VEXVR, VEXIQ, VEXV5 and Coding has no educational value and should be removed from the school's curriculum.


Design Brief: 

Your task, in a small group, is to create a multi-media presentation (video, animation or podcast) to convince, these concerned parties, that indeed Computer Science, Robotics, VEXVR, VEXIQ, VEXV5 and Coding has significant educational value and that it must remain in the school curriculum.


Design Specifications: Your product must features:

  • Evidence that there is an increase of knowledge, skills and understandings of the students in Computer Science classes

  • Excellent use of multi-media technology (video, sound, images, transitions, editing and text)

  • Demonstrations of a vast array of Coding, Robotics and Technical skills

  • Student voices and faces in the content

  • Persuasion of the target audience

  • Evidence of ATL skills of teamwork, collaboration, self-organisation, thinking and problem solving

  • Evidence of LEARNING ACTIVITIES that are authentic and challenging,  that provides opportunities for students to think, collaborate, inquire and communicate and demonstrate computational thinking and processes

  • Evidence of students demonstrating the LEARNER PROFILE attributes - Thinkers and Communicators

  • SEE - excellent visuals

  • HEAR - excellent sound

  • FEEL - move the audience (emotion/feelings)

Lesson 2, 3 & 4 ~ 16.03 & 20.03 & 22.03 ~ Criterion B ii. presents a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others


  1. Generate 4-6 story ideas

  2. Present 4-6 ideas in Criterion B


Elevator Pitch Outline A

  • Introduce the time and place of the film. Describe the place a little, paint a real picture – what does it feel like, what does it smell like, what’s going on there?

  • Introduce a character(s). Give us something really human about him or her - care for them, be interested in them.

  • Describe the character’s plight. What is he or she up against? What is his or her journey going to be in this film?

  • Describe what your film is about. Remember, what your film is about is not necessarily an outline of what happens in your film. It’s a description of the themes and goals of your film – what you’ll teach or communicate to your audience.

  • Close with a hook – something to keep your audience wondering what might happen and wishing for more. A pitch that ends on intrigue is a perfect pitch.​


Elevator Pitch Outline B

  • Write an introduction. Start your movie pitch with a brief overview of the film, which should include the title, logline, genre, and theme of the project. Address whether your story is entirely fiction, or based on a true story. In some cases, you may want to include why this particular screenplay is important, and what it means to you.

  • Include a synopsis. Whether you’re presenting with a deck or verbally, include a section that summarizes the premise of your film. Discuss the basic plot of the story without giving away the whole story.

  • Discuss the characters. Include a section in your pitch that breaks down your main characters. Describe the protagonist, any antagonists, or important secondary characters that are essential to the plot. Briefly discuss their motivations, arcs, or significant traits that make these characters compelling.

  • Address the filmmaking elements. Your movie pitch may include specific types of cinematography, styles, lighting, or music that inspire you or add to the mood of your film. Include any unique elements of the filmmaking that may bolster your chances of a successful pitch. Mention the budget, existing financing, or if any directors or actors are currently attached.

  • Write a compelling conclusion. Conclude your pitch by discussing how the story ends. You can also end on a cliffhanger, but make sure it leaves the listeners wanting more, rather than confusing them or leaving them unsatisfied. You can also discuss the significance of making your film at this very moment, and any other interesting personal elements that could help sell your idea. You want to convince your audience that you are the only one who can make this movie.


3 Act Story Structure for Short Films

Most short films (and most screenplays in general) utilize the common, 3 Act Story Structure. This simply means they are structured to tell a tale that has a beginning, middle, and end.  Here are Open Screenplay’s definitions for Acts within short films:

  1. Act 1: Beginning - In short films, Act 1 can either perform the usual functions associated with storytelling structure (introduce Protagonist and setting) or can simply be the opening of your short film. Generally, Act 1 in short films grabs the audience’s attention and quickly establishes what we need to know before Act 2 starts. Depending on the length of the short film, Act 1 can be multiple scenes, a single scene, a few lines of dialogue, or even a single moment.

  2. Act 2: Middle - In short films, Act 2 can either perform the usual functions associated with storytelling structure (Protagonist pursues a goal, usually with the help of an Influencing Character and obstacles from an Opponent) or can simply be the middle of your short film. Generally, Act 2 in short films is the longer part of the story that pays off the core idea and genre of the short. 

  3. Act 3: End - In short films, Act 3 can either perform the usual functions associated with storytelling structure (the Protagonist battles the Opponent to achieve the goal) or can simply be the ending of your short film. Generally, Act 3 in short films has a climactic or “big” payoff of the core idea shown in Act 2.

ATL Skills:

  • Creative Thinking

  • Communication

Lesson 5 ~ 24.02 ~ Criterion B iii. presents the chosen design and outlines the reasons for its selection with reference to the design specification


  1. with a partner share best ideas with each other and then together choose the best video idea

  2. present best idea in Criterion B III and justify with reference to design specifications


ATL Skills:

  • Collaboration

  • Thinking

  • Communications

Lesson 6 ~ 28.03 ~ Criterion B iv. develops accurate planning drawings/diagrams and outlines requirements for the creation of the chosen solution


  1. Drawings and outlines

    • One partner - develop accurate planning drawings of the main characters and/or sets) for the creation of the chosen solution

    • One partner - outlines requirements (text) for the creation of the chosen solution:

      • SEE

      • HEAR

      • FEEL




ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Thinking

  • Self-Management

Lesson 7 ~ 30.03 ~ CRITERION A Reflection, Catch Up, Rewrite, Resubmit & Submit


  1. PTC materials prepared

  2. Catch up, review, reflect, rewrite, resubmit & submit work

  3. Update Criterion C, convert to PDF and submit Criterion B to ManageBac


ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Thinking

  • Self-Management

Lesson 8 ~ 03.04 ~ CRITERION B Reflection, Catch Up, Rewrite, Resubmit & Submit


  1. PTC materials prepared

  2. Catch up, review, reflect, rewrite, resubmit & submit work

  3. Update Criterion B, convert to PDF and submit Criterion B to ManageBac


ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Thinking

  • Self-Management





Tools for Presenting Video Ideas

Criterion C

Assessment Criterion

i. constructs a logical plan, which outlines the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution

ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution

iii. follows the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately

iv. explains changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution

PART ONE ~ Assign TEAMS and Assign ROLES
VEX Robotics Competition - Team Member Roles:
  • Builder: The student(s)on the team who assemble(s)the robot. 

  • Coach/Lead Strategist: This student will be responsible for making the final decision of what strategy to run during the matches. During the match, the coach will stand with the drivers, acting as their guide for the match. She/he will provide direction for the drivers and ensure that the appropriate strategy is being followed.

  • Designer: The student(s) on the team who design(s) the robot to be built for competition. 

  • Driver(s): Teams will have one or two drivers. These students are responsible for operating the robot during the actual matches. They will take strategic guidance from the coach during the match.

  • Pit Crew: These students will be responsible for fixing, maintaining, and improving the robot between matches. It is their responsibility to ensure that the robot is ready to compete for every match. They will also be in charge of maintaining all spare parts and batteries. Depending on the size of the team, the pit crew should be one or two people. If necessary, drivers can be members of the pit crew.

  • Programmer: The student(s) on the team who write(s) the computer code that is downloaded onto the robot. An adult cannot be the programmer on a team.

N.B. Depending on the size of the team, students can also fulfil multiple roles on a team.

Video Production Key Roles:

    • Producer - The producer initiates, coordinates, supervises, and controls matters such as raising funding, hiring key
      personnel, contracting and arranging for distributors. The producer is involved throughout all phases of
      the process from development to completion of a project.

    • Director - The director is responsible for overseeing the creative aspects of a film, including controlling the content
      and flow of the film's plot, directing the performances of actors, selecting the locations in which the film
      will be shot, and managing technical details such as the positioning of cameras, the use of lighting, and
      the timing and content of the film's soundtrack.

    • Screenwriter - Screenwriters or scriptwriters are responsible for researching the story, developing the narrative,
      writing the screenplay, and delivering it, in the required format, to the Producers. They are almost
      always freelancers who either pitch original ideas to Producers in the hope that they will be optioned or
      sold, or who are commissioned by a Producer to create a screenplay from a concept, true story, existing
      screenwork or literary work, such as a novel or short story


    • Director of Photography/Cinematographer - The director of photography is the head of the camera and lighting department of the film. The DoP makes decisions on lighting and framing of scenes in conjunction with the film's director.

    • Camera Operator - The camera operator operates the camera under the direction of the director of photography, or the film director, to capture the scenes on film. Depending on the camera format being used for filming (eg
      film or digital), a director of photography may not operate the camera, but sometimes these two roles
      are combined


    • Production Sound Mixer (Sound Recordist) - The production sound mixer is head of the sound department on set, responsible for recording all sound during filming. This involves the choice of microphones, operation of a sound recording device, and sometimes the mixing of audio signals in real time.


    • Production Designer - Responsible for creating the physical, visual appearance of the film - settings, costumes, props, character makeup.

    • Art Director - Oversees the artists and craftspeople who give form to the production design as it develops.

    • Illustrator - The illustrator creates visual representations of the designs to communicate the ideas imagined by the
      production designer.


    • Film Editor - Assembles the various shots into a coherent film, working closely with the director.

    • Online Editor - When the offline edit is complete, adds visual effects, titles, and applies color correction. Also ensures that the program meets the technical delivery specifications.

    • Colourist - Adjusts the colour of the film to achieve greater consistency.


    • Visual Effects Supervisor - The visual effects supervisor is in charge of the visual effects department.

    • Compositor - A compositor is a visual effects artist responsible for compositing images from different sources such as video, film, computer-generated 3-D imagery, 2-D animations, matte paintings and text.


    • Sound Designer - In charge of the post-production sound of a movie.

    • Dialogue Editor - Responsible for assembling and editing all dialogue in the soundtrack.

    • Sound Editor - Responsible for assembling and editing all sound effects in the soundtrack.

    • Re-recording Mixer - Balances the sounds prepared by the dialogue, music and effects editors.

    • Music Supervisor - Works with the composer, mixers and editors to create and integrate the film's music. Negotiates licensing of the necessary rights for all source music used in a film.

N.B. Depending on the size of the team, students can also fulfil multiple roles on a team.

(Roles adapted from

 and )

Lesson 1 ~ 05.04 ~ Criterion C i. constructs a logical plan, which outlines the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution


  • Create and share Criterion C summative assessment doc/slide (10min)

  • Assign groups (4 groups - even mix of talents, genders, interests, work ethics, personalities and skills) (10min)

  • TEAM CHALLENGE # 1 (10-20min)

    • Assign jobs (Film crew & Robot Crew)

    • Organise VEQ IQ Kit (25 POINTS)

    • Choose team name, team mascot & create a team shield (25 POINTS)

    • Create a PLAN (25 POINTS):
      • Key Dates / Due Dates​

      • Mile Stones

      • Resources

      • Person(s) Responsible

ATL Skills:

  • Communication 

  • Social

  • Collaboration

  • Organization

  • Affective

  • Creative thinking


i. The student constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan -->  sufficient for peers to be able to follow --> that contains some production details --> that is logical which considers time and resources --> that is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources) 

Lesson 2 ~ 07.04 ~ Criterion C i. constructs a logical plan, which outlines the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution


  • TEAM CHALLENGE # 1 (50-60min)

    • Assign jobs (Film crew & Robot Crew)

    • Organise VEQ IQ Kit (25 POINTS)

    • Choose team name, team mascot & create a team shield (25 POINTS)

    • Create a PLAN (25 POINTS):

      • Key Dates / Due Dates​

      • Mile Stones

      • Resources

      • Person(s) Responsible

ATL Skills:

  • Communication 

  • Social

  • Collaboration

  • Self-management 

  • Organization

  • Affective

  • Creative thinking


i. The student constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan -->  sufficient for peers to be able to follow --> that contains some production details --> that is logical which considers time and resources --> that is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources) 

Lessons 3-9 ~ 05.04 - 05.05 ~ Criterion C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution



  • Video Production Crew - Design, Film, Edit and Create

  • VEX Robotics Crew - Design, Build, Create and Compete

ATL Skills:

  • Communication 

  • Social

  • Collaboration

  • Self-management 

  • Organization


ii. (minimal --> satisfactory --> competent --> excellent) technical skills demonstrated 

Lesson 10 ~ 09.05 ~ Criterion C i. constructs a logical plan, which outlines the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution


  • Update THE PLAN (Ci)


  • Video Production Crew - Design, Film, Edit and Create

  • VEX Robotics Crew - Design, Build, Create and Compete

ATL Skills:

  • Communication 

  • Social

  • Collaboration

  • Self-management 

  • Organization


i. The student constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan -->  sufficient for peers to be able to follow --> that contains some production details --> that is logical which considers time and resources --> that is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources) 

Lesson 11 ~ 11.05 ~ Criterion C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution & Criterion C iv. lists the changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution

Tasks: ​​

  • Identify SKILLS you personally developed/demonstrated (see Job Descriptions/roles)

  • Identify CHANGES and iterations made during the creation and explain why

ATL Skills:

  • Reflection

  • Critical thinking

  • Creative thinking


ii. (minimal --> satisfactory --> competent --> excellent) technical skills demonstrated 

Lesson 12 ~ 15.05 ~ Criterion C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution



  • Video Production Crew - Design, Film, Edit and Create

  • VEX Robotics Crew - Design, Build, Create and Compete

ATL Skills:

  • Communication 

  • Social

  • Collaboration

  • Self-management 

  • Organization


ii. (minimal --> satisfactory --> competent --> excellent) technical skills demonstrated 

Lesson 13 ~ 17.05 ~ Criterion C iii. follows the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately


  • Video Production Crew - FILM TEST # 1 PRESENT/show the film and get feedback

ATL Skills:

  • Communication 

  • Reflection

  • Creative thinking


iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended) 

iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)  

Lesson 14 ~ 19.05 ~ Criterion C iv. The student fully justifies changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution

Tasks: ​​

  • Fully justifies changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution

    • Video Production Crew - Design, Film, Edit and Create

    • VEX Robotics Crew - Design, Build, Create and Compete

ATL Skills:

  • Reflection

  • Critical thinking

  • Creative thinking


iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made

Lesson 15 ~ 23.05 ~ Criterion C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution



    • Video Production Crew - Design, Film, Edit and Create

    • VEX Robotics Crew - Design, Build, Create and Compete

  • Convert Criterion C summative assessment doc/slide to a PDF and submit to ManageBac

ATL Skills:

  • Communication 

  • Social

  • Collaboration

  • Self-management 

  • Organization


ii. (minimal --> satisfactory --> competent --> excellent) technical skills demonstrated 

DUE DATE - Submit Criterion C

Key Events

Criterion A Due Date = 10.03

Criterion B Due Date = 03.04

TEAM CHALLENGE # 1 (name, logo & tidy box) = 07.04 

TEAM CHALLENGE # 2 (plan) = 20.04




FILM TEST # 1 = 17.05


Criterion C Due Date = 23.05


Criterion D Due Date = 02.06

Criterion D


7–8 >> The Year 3 MYP Design Student:

i. describes detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate accurate data, to measure the success of the solution

ii. explains the success of the solution against the design specification based on authentic product testing

iii. describes how the solution could be improved

iv. describes the impact of the solution on the client/target audience

Lesson 1 ~ May 25th ~ Criterion D (i) describes detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate accurate data, to measure the success of the solution


  • Create Criterion D Summative Assessment Template

  • Create TEST (feedback form)


ATL Skills:

  • Communication

  • Reflection

  • Critical thinking


  • i. designs a (relevant --> detailed and relevant) testing method

Lesson 2 ~ May 29th ~ Criterion D (ii) explains the success of the solution against the design specification based on authentic product testing



  • Video Test Day:

    • Video Test 2 - teacher scores​

    • Video Test 3 - peer feedback forms

  • Data Analysis:

  1. present the data collected (scores, charts and graphs and comments)​

  2. analyse the data

ATL Skills:

  • Communication 

  • Reflection

  • Critical thinking


  • ii. (states --> outlines --> explains --> critically evaluates) the success of the solution

  • ii. (relevant --> authentic) product testing

Lesson 3 ~ May 31st ~ Criterion D (iii) describes how the solution could be improved (250-500 words) & (iv) describes the impact of the solution on the client/target audience


  • (iii) describes how the solution could be improved (250-500 words)

  • (iv) describes the impact of the solution on the client/target audience (250-500 words)


ATL Skills:

  • Communication 

  • Reflection

  • Critical thinking

  • Creative thinking


  • iii. (outlines --> describes --> explains) how the solution could be improved​

  • iv. (outlines --> describes --> explains) the impact of the solution on the client/target audience

Lesson 4 ~ June 2nd ~ Criterion D (iii) describes how the solution could be improved (250-500 words) & (iv) describes the impact of the solution on the client/target audience


  • (iii) describes how the solution could be improved (250-500 words)

  • (iv) describes the impact of the solution on the client/target audience (250-500 words)

  • CONVERT TO PDF and SUBMIT to ManageBac


ATL Skills:

  • Communication 

  • Reflection

  • Critical thinking

  • Creative thinking


  • iii. (outlines --> describes --> explains) how the solution could be improved​

  • iv. (outlines --> describes --> explains) the impact of the solution on the client/target audience

​Criterion D Due Date 2nd June

Reflection Phase

June 6th ~ REFLECTION - REPORTS, Catch Up, Edit, Review, Feedback and RESUBMIT WORK


  • end of year reflection

  • survey

  • report comments

  • edit, improve work and resubmit for re-assessing

ATL Skills:

  • Self-management 

  • Organization

  • Reflection

June 8th ~ REFLECTION - Catch Up, Edit, Review, Feedback and RESUBMIT WORK


  • edit, improve work and resubmit for re-assessing

ATL Skills:

  • Self-management 

  • Organization

  • Reflection

June 12th ~ REFLECTION - Catch Up, Edit, Review, Feedback and RESUBMIT WORK


  • edit, improve work and resubmit for re-assessing

ATL Skills:

  • Self-management 

  • Organization

  • Reflection

June 14th ~ REFLECTION - Catch Up, Edit, Review, Feedback and RESUBMIT WORK


  • edit, improve work and resubmit for re-assessing

  • LAST DAY to RESUBMIT (3.30pm)

ATL Skills:

  • Self-management 

  • Organization

  • Reflection

June 16th ~ REFLECTION 


  • write quiz

  • extension activity


ATL Skills:

  • Self-management 

  • Organization

  • Reflection

June 20th ~ REFLECTION 


  • do the quiz

  • extension activity


ATL Skills:

  • Self-management 

  • Organization

  • Reflection

June 2nd ~ REFLECTION 


  • awards


ATL Skills:

  • Self-management 

  • Organization

  • Reflection

Luke Watson Teach | Design MYP & ICT

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