Scratch Coding
Storytelling with Scratch
Endangered Species PSA Stories
Endangered species and a need to increase awareness and move people to action.
Design Brief
Students will code and create an interactive program that tells a story, is informative, memorable and persuasive and analyse the results.
Storytelling Skills List
Your Scratch story, about an endangered species story, should:
feature excellent character(s)
move the audience - have the audience experience certain mood(s) and emotion(s)
be visually appealing and skillfully use colours (colour theory, colour schemes and colour moods)
feature an excellent use of sounds to enhance the user experience and storytelling experience (record and edit quality sounds &/or locate and use quality sounds)
include an interactive feature(s) so the user engages with the story, thus making the story and message more memorable
be informative
be memorable
be persuasive
feature a clear and effective conclusion and call to action
Suggested Scratch Story Structure
Identify and describe:
The Setting
The Characters(s)
Sketch out your endangered species interactive Scratch story idea as FLOW CHART and use this as a guide:
Scene One: this is where you introduce the characters and setting
Scene Two: establish the characters more and build a connection with the audience
Scene Three: introduce conflict/problem
Scene Four: how the main character deals with the conflict/problem
Scene Five: share information (facts & statistics)
Scene Six: Interactive component (quiz/game/choice)
Scene Seven: what happens after the interactive component --- how the conflict/problem was solved
Final Scene: Conclusion and call to action
Criterion A
Lesson 1 ~ August 31st ~ A i. explains and justifies the need for a solution to a problem
create a new summative assessment google doc for this project (Mr Watson will share the template)
list endangered animals
identify one aminal, that resonates with you, and research this specific animal
ATL Skills:
Research - Information literacy and Media literacy
The student (states --> outlines --> explains --> explains & justifies) the need for a solution to a problem for a specified client/target audience
The student creates an infographic about one specific endangered species
Lesson 2 ~ September 4th ~ A i. explains and justifies the need for a solution to a problem & iv. presents the main findings of relevant research
in your own words, explain the problem (10-15min)
justify the need to solve the problem (statistics, personal, persuade, quotes, images, etc.) (10-15min)
edit/rewrite/tidy Criterion A i (10-30min):
List of Endangered Species (2-3 URLs)
Information About One Endangered Species (2-3 URLs)
Explanation of the Problem (endangered species problem)
Justify the Need to Solve this Problem (persuade the reader)
ATL Skills:
Research - Information literacy and Media literacy
Critical thinking
Differentiation & Assessment:
i. states the need for a solution to a problem (1-2)
i. outlines the need for a solution to a problem (3-4)
i. explains the need for a solution to a problem (5-6)
i. explains and justifies the need for a solution to a problem (7-8)
The student creates an infographic about one specific endangered species
Lesson 3 ~ September 6th ~ A ii. states and prioritizes the main points of research needed to develop a solution to the problem, with minimal guidance
Create a research plan table
ATL Skills:
Research - Information literacy and Media literacy
Differentiation & Assessment:
ii. states the research needed to develop a solution to the problem, with some guidance (3-4)
ii. constructs a research plan, which states and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem, with some guidance (5-6)
ii. constructs a research plan, which states and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem independently (7-8)
In your research table, find several sources for each research question/topic and briefly explain each source
Lesson 4 & 5 ~ September 8th & 12th - A iii. describes the main features of an existing product that inspires a solution to the problem
Identify key elements of an effective SHORT STORY ~ secondary research [a iv] (10-20min)
Analyse products [a iii] (4 x 10-20min)
ATL Skills:
Research - Information literacy and Media literacy
Critical thinking
Differentiation & Assessment:
iii. outlines one existing product that inspires a solution to the problem (3-4)
iii. describes a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem (5-6)
iii. analyses a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem (7-8)
Identify, outline, describe &/or analyse these main features:
emotion/feeling move the audience - have the audience experience certain mood(s) and emotion(s)
Skillfully use colours (colour theory, colour schemes and colour moods)
feature an excellent use of sounds to enhance the user experience and storytelling experience (record and edit quality sounds &/or locate and use quality sounds)
include an interactive feature(s) so the user engages with the story, thus making the story and message more memorable
feature a clear and effective conclusion and call to action at the end
tell a story that is informative
tell a story that is memorable
tell a story that is persuasive
Elements of a Good Story:
The 5 essential elements of all good stories | VideoScribe
The 5 Essential Elements of a Good Story
7 Elements of a Story: The Recipe for a Great Narrative
Products for Analysis:
Story # 1 The Selfish Crocodile By Faustin Charles Illustrated By Michael Terry
Story # 2 Protecting Endangered Species Video
Story # 3 The Survival of the Sea Turtle
Story # 4 Be Informed. Buy Informed.
Story # 5 Global Tiger Day
Story # 6 Axolotls: The salamanders that snack on each other (but don't die) - Luis Zambrano
Story # 7 World Wildlife Day 2018 - Big cats: Predators under threat
Endangered and Extinct Animals | Video for Kids | Rare Extinct Animals Video
Be Informed. Buy Informed.
Global Tiger Day
How To Create a PSA
Discovery Channel PSA
World Wildlife Day Short Video
Endangered and Extinct Animals | Video for Kids | Rare Extinct Animals Video
WWF Tiger Stories
Wildlife wins: Zoo's top 10 stories of care and conservation
Ads by Brand: PETA
Lesson 6 ~ September 14th - A iii. describes the main features of an existing product that inspires a solution to the problem
explore SCRATCH projects that focus on endangered animals (20-30min)
share examples of excellent SCRATCH projects that focus on endangered animals and explain the main features of each example and why you like each example in Criterion A document section iii (i.e. share the link and title of a project, then write a paragraph about the example) (20-30min)
ATL Skills:
Research - Information literacy and Media literacy
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
Differentiation & Assessment:
iii. outlines one existing product that inspires a solution to the problem (3-4)
iii. describes a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem (5-6)
iii. analyses a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem (7-8)
Lesson 7 ~ September 18th - A iv. presents the main findings of relevant research
Work through Python Coding skill challenge(s) (45min)
When one challenge has been completed, capture the code and add to your Criterion A document in section (iv) (10min)
ATL Skills:
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
Coding Challenges are set at Levels 1, 2 and 3 depending on each student's skills and experience.
VIDEO Python For Beginners | Getting Started with PYTHON CODE:
PYTHON Coding Platform: Python is powerful... and fast; plays well with others; runs everywhere; is friendly & easy to learn; is Open.
Python Code: Module 1 -- Python is a widely used, general-purpose, text-based programming language:
Lesson 8 ~ September 20th - A iv. presents the main findings of relevant research
Work through SCRATCH Code Challenge (35min)
When one challenge has been completed, capture the code and add to your Criterion A document in section (iv) (5min)
Compare SCRATCH and PYTHON and decide which coding platform is best for creating a story in your Criterion A document in section (iv) (10 min)
Update and complete section IV (10min)
ATL Skills:
Research - Information literacy and Media literacy
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
Coding Challenges are set at Levels 1, 2 and 3 depending on each student's skills and experience.
Video Scratch Coding Introduction | Getting Started with SCRATCH CODE
Scratch Coding Platform:
Scratch Coding (Raspberry Pi) Challenges:
Video PYTHON & SCRATCH Coding | Endangered Species Project | G6 Criterion A IV | MYP DESIGN 🐍
Lesson 9 & 10 ~ September 22nd & 26th - A iv. presents the main findings of relevant research
Research YOUR SPECIFIC ENDANGERED SPECIES and locate images, infographics, posters, quotes, statistics, charts, graphs, and any other relevant information about your chosen endangered animal
Prepare a GOOGLE SLIDE PRESENTATION that shares key facts and figures about your endangered species.
ATL Skills:
Research - Information literacy and Media literacy
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
states some of the main findings of relevant research
develops a basic design brief, which outlines some of the findings of relevant research
develops a design brief, which outlines the findings of relevant research
develops a design brief, which presents the analysis of relevant research
Lesson 11 ~ September 28th - A iv. presents the main findings of relevant research
Write a CONCLUSION that summarises all your RESEARCH
Review and Update Criterion A
SUBMIT Criterion A
ATL Skills:
Research - Information literacy and Media literacy
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
states some of the main findings of relevant research
develops a basic design brief, which outlines some of the findings of relevant research
develops a design brief, which outlines the findings of relevant research
develops a design brief, which presents the analysis of relevant research
Criterion A Due Date = September 28th
Criterion B
Lesson 1 ~ October 3rd - B i. develops a list of success criteria for the solution
Create a new Criterion B Summative Assessment DOC or SLIDE (5-10min)
List Design Specification (10-20):
feature excellent character(s)
move the audience - have the audience experience certain mood(s) and emotion(s)
skillfully use colours (colour theory, colour schemes and colour moods)
feature an excellent use of sounds to enhance the user experience and storytelling experience (record and edit quality sounds &/or locate and use quality sounds)
include an interactive feature(s) so the user engages with the story, thus making the story and message more memorable
feature a clear and effective conclusion and call to action at the end
tell a story that is informative
tell a story that is memorable
tell a story that is persuasive
List testing methodology (10-20):
peers will use my product and give a rating from 0 - 5 (very bad - excellent)
Extension - Link to research (10-20min)
ATL Skills:
Critical thinking
entry level - list requirements and simple testing method
extension - expand the links to research section
Differentiation & Assessment:
0 >> The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors
1-2 >> The student lists some basic design specifications for the design of a solution
3-4 >> The student lists some design specifications, which relate to the success criteria for the design of a solution
5-6 >> The student develops design specifications, which outline the success criteria for the design of a solution
7-8 >> The student develops detailed design specifications, which explain the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the analysis of the research
Lesson 2 ~ October 5th - B ii. presents feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and outlines the key features, which can be correctly interpreted by others
Create 2 x INFORMATIVE & PERSUASIVE STORY OUTLINES about your specific endangered species (2 X A4 pages) (2 x 25min)
ATL Skills:
Creative thinking
entry level - 2 simple stories
extension - 2 detailed stories
Differentiation & Assessment:
0 >> The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors
1-2 >> The student presents one design, which can be interpreted by others
3-4 >> The student presents a few feasible designs, using an appropriate medium(s) or annotation, which can be interpreted by others
5-6 >> The student develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and annotation, which can be interpreted by others
7-8 >> The student develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others
Lesson 3 ~ October 9th - B ii. presents feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and outlines the key features, which can be correctly interpreted by others
Create 1 x THREE-ACT STORY OUTLINE (20-30min)
Create 1 x STORY OUTLINE as a FLOW CHART (20-30min) suggested outline:
Scene One: this is where you introduce the characters and setting
Scene Two: establish the characters more and build a connection with the audience
Scene Three: introduce conflict/problem
Scene Four: how the main character deals with the conflict/problem
Scene Five: Interactive component (quiz/game/choice)
Scene Six: what happens after the interactive component --- how the conflict/problem was solved
Final Scene: Conclusion and call to action
2. Scan and insert your 2 story outlines into your Criterion B ii Summative Assessment Document and add a caption to each image (e.g. Above is my first idea for a story about saving the whales) (5-10min)
ATL Skills:
Creative thinking
entry level - 2 simple stories
extension - 2 detailed stories
Differentiation & Assessment:
0 >> The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors
1-2 >> The student presents one design, which can be interpreted by others
3-4 >> The student presents a few feasible designs, using an appropriate medium(s) or annotation, which can be interpreted by others
5-6 >> The student develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and annotation, which can be interpreted by others
7-8 >> The student develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others
Story Structures
Intro to Storytelling
Story Structure
The clues to a great story
Lesson 4 ~ October 11th - B ii. presents feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and outlines the key features, which can be correctly interpreted by others
PRESENT clearly and neatly and OUTLINE KEY FEATURES of your 4 story ideas clearly with captions & annotations (10-20min)
PRESENT your 4 story ideas to 2-4 peers and COLLECT FEEDBACK (10-20min)
PEER REVIEW - Have your friends rate each story idea from 0-5 (0 = not done 1 = needs improvement 2 = satisfactory 3 = good 4 = very good 5 = excellent)
PEER REVIEW - Have your friend identify which story is the best and explain why they chose it
ANALYSE each of your 4 design ideas idea and present your thoughts (10-20min)
SELF REVIEW - Rate each story idea from 0-5 (0 = not done 1 = needs improvement 2 = satisfactory 3 = good 4 = very good 5 = excellent)
SELF REVIEW - Identify which story is the best and explain why you chose it (link back to the design brief)
SELF REVIEW - Make some suggestions on how to improve your story to better meet the needs of the design brief
ATL Skills:
entry level - present and conduct a simple analysis of your four story ideas
extension - present and conduct a detailed analysis of your four story ideas
Differentiation & Assessment:
0 >> The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors
1-2 >> The student presents one design, which can be interpreted by others
3-4 >> The student presents a few feasible designs, using an appropriate medium(s) or annotation, which can be interpreted by others
5-6 >> The student develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and annotation, which can be interpreted by others
7-8 >> The student develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others
Lesson 5 ~ October 16th - B iii. presents the chosen design describing the key features
PRESENT - Re-design and re-create your BEST story outline as a STORYBOARD or FLOW CHART or PLOT OUTLINE (30-40min)
DESCRIBE KEY FEATURES - Scan and insert your best story in your Criterion B document in strand III and link features to DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS (10-20min)
ATL Skills:
Creative thinking
entry level - a simple outline of your best story stating the key features
extension - a detailed outline of your best story highlighting and describing the key features
Differentiation & Assessment:
0 >> The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors
1-2 >> The student presents one design, which can be interpreted by others
3-4 >> The student justifies the selection of the chosen design with reference to the design specification
5-6 >> The student presents the chosen design and justifies its selection with reference to the design specification
7-8 >> The student presents the chosen design and justifies fully and critically its selection with detailed reference to the design specification
Lesson 6 ~ October 18th ~ B iv. creates a planning drawing/diagram, which outlines the main details for making the chosen solution.
CREATE - draw the main characters of your story (40-50min)
PRESENT & ANNOTATE - scan your characters and insert in into Criterion B IV (and add captions and annotations) (10-20min)
ATL Skills:
Creative thinking
entry level - a simple diagram/drawing of your main character highlighting the key features
extension - a detailed diagram/drawing of your main characters highlighting and describing the key features
entry level - a simple list that addresses all items of the design specifications
extension - a detailed list that addresses all items of the design specifications
Differentiation & Assessment:
0 >> The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors
1-2 >> The student creates incomplete planning drawings/diagrams
3-4 >> The student creates planning drawings/diagrams or lists requirements for the creation of the chosen solution
5-6 >> The student develops accurate planning drawings/diagrams and lists requirements for the creation of the chosen solution
7-8 >> The student develops accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outlines requirements for the creation of the chosen solution
Lesson 7 ~ October 20th ~ B iv. creates a planning drawing/diagram, which outlines the main details for making the chosen solution.
LIST - copy key elements of the Design Specification list (10-20min)
OUTLINE how each of the Design Specifications will be addressed in your project (30-40min)
PRESENT - convert to PDF and submit to ManageBac (10-20min)
ATL Skills:
Creative thinking
entry level - a simple diagram/drawing of your main character highlighting the key features
extension - a detailed diagram/drawing of your main characters highlighting and describing the key features
entry level - a simple list that addresses all items of the design specifications
extension - a detailed list that addresses all items of the design specifications
Differentiation & Assessment:
0 >> The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors
1-2 >> The student creates incomplete planning drawings/diagrams
3-4 >> The student creates planning drawings/diagrams or lists requirements for the creation of the chosen solution
5-6 >> The student develops accurate planning drawings/diagrams and lists requirements for the creation of the chosen solution
7-8 >> The student develops accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outlines requirements for the creation of the chosen solution
Criterion B Due Date = October 20th
Criterion C
Lesson 1 ~ Oct 31st & Nov 1st ~ C i. outlines a plan, which considers the use of resources and time, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution
create a new Google Doc
create a plan (reference time, task and resources)
ATL Skills:
Creative thinking
i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources)
i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan -- sufficient for peers to be able to follow)
ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated
iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended)
iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)
iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made
Lesson 2 ~ Nov 2nd & 3rd ~ C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution
Create your Scratch Project
Suggested Step One Develop CHARACTERS:
G6 Projects:
ATL Skills:
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources)
i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan -- sufficient for peers to be able to follow)
ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated
iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended)
iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)
iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made
Lesson 3 ~ Nov 4th & 7th ~ C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution
Create your Scratch Project
Step One Develop CHARACTERS:
G6 2020 Projects:
ATL Skills:
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources)
i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan -- sufficient for peers to be able to follow)
ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated
iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended)
iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)
iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made
Lesson 4 ~ Nov 8th & 9th ~ C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution
Create your Scratch Project
Step One Develop CHARACTER:
Step Two Map out the scenes of your story with BACKDROPS
G6 Projects:
ATL Skills:
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources)
i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan -- sufficient for peers to be able to follow)
ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated
iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended)
iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)
iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made
Lesson 5 ~ Nov 21st & 22nd ~ C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution
Create your Scratch Project
Step One Develop CHARACTER:
Step Two Map out the scenes of your story with BACKDROPS
G6 Projects:
ATL Skills:
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources)
i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan -- sufficient for peers to be able to follow)
ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated
iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended)
iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)
iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made
Lesson 6 ~ Nov 23rd & 24th ~ C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution
Create your Scratch Project
Step One Develop CHARACTER:
Step Two Map out the scenes of your story with BACKDROPS
Step Three Add CONTENT (story, words, sounds, conclusion, title screens, closing screens, call to action)
G6 Projects:
ATL Skills:
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources)
i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan -- sufficient for peers to be able to follow)
ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated
iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended)
iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)
iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made
Lesson 7 ~ Nov 25th & 28th ~ C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution
Create your Scratch Project
Step One Develop CHARACTER:
Step Two Map out the scenes of your story with BACKDROPS
Step Three Add CONTENT (story, words, sounds, conclusion, title screens, closing screens, call to action)
G6 Projects:
ATL Skills:
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources)
i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan -- sufficient for peers to be able to follow)
ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated
iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended)
iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)
iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made
Lesson 8 ~ Nov 29th & 30th ~ C iii. follows the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately
TEST 1 - share your project with peers and collect feedback (design specifications)
Based on feedback - edit & improve your Scratch project
ATL Skills:
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources)
i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan -- sufficient for peers to be able to follow)
ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated
iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended)
iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)
iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made
Lesson 9 ~ Dec 1st & 2nd - C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution
Create your Scratch Project
Step One Develop CHARACTER:
Step Two Map out the scenes of your story with BACKDROPS
Step Three Add CONTENT (story, words, sounds, conclusion, title screens, closing screens, call to action)
G6 Scratch Projects:
TEST 2 - share your project with peers and collect feedback (design specifications)
ATL Skills:
Critical thinking
i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources)
i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan -- sufficient for peers to be able to follow)
ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated
iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended)
iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)
iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made
Lesson 10 ~ Dec 6th & 7th ~ C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution
Create your Scratch Project
Step One Develop CHARACTER:
Step Two Map out the scenes of your story with BACKDROPS
Step Three Add CONTENT (story, words, sounds, conclusion, title screens, closing screens, call to action)
G6 Scratch Projects:
Update C ii Summative Assessment Doc/Slide SKILLS list:
Identify Skills (code colours)
Evidence (screenshot)
Conclusion (paragraph about your development)
ATL Skills:
Critical thinking
i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources)
i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan -- sufficient for peers to be able to follow)
ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated
iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended)
iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)
iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made
Lesson 11 ~ Dec 8th ~ C iv. lists the changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution
Submit Criterion C
Create your Scratch Project
CIV ~ List changes
ATL Skills:
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources)
i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan -- sufficient for peers to be able to follow)
ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated
iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended)
iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)
iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made
Criterion D
Lesson 1 ~ Tue 12th Dec - C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution + D i. outlines simple, relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution
Create a new Criterion D SLIDE/DOC
Create your Scratch Project
Create a USER-FRIENDLY feedback form and be sure to include these key elements:
A meaningful TITLE
An introduction/instructions + provide a link to your Scratch Project “please try my scratch project and then complete this survey”
Demographic questions
Design Specification (rate from 0-5):
feature excellent character(s)
move the audience - have the audience experience certain mood(s) and emotion(s)
skillfully use colours (colour theory, colour schemes and colour moods)
feature an excellent use of sounds to enhance the user experience and storytelling experience (record and edit quality sounds &/or locate and use quality sounds)
include an interactive feature(s) so the user engages with the story, thus making the story and message more memorable
feature a clear and effective conclusion and call to action at the end
tell a story that is informative
tell a story that is memorable
tell a story that is persuasive
The impact of the product on the client/target audience (written response)
How the solution could be improved (written response)
Criterion D (I) update:
(i) Feedback Form Link and explain the test
(i) Scratch Project Link and explain social media campaign & scratch metrics
Suggested Online Free Survey Tools:
ATL Skills:
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
Differentiation: demonstrate
basic skills
satisfactory skills
competent skills
excellent skills
Lesson 2 ~ Thu 14th Dec ~ C ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution
Create/ Complete your Scratch Project
- Create/ Complete your Survey
ATL Skills:
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
i. constructs a plan that (contains some production details -- is logical which considers time and resources -- is logical which describes the efficient use of time and resources)
i. constructs a plan (resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan -- sufficient for peers to be able to follow)
ii. (minimal -- satisfactory -- competent -- excellent) technical skills demonstrated
iii. product (functions poorly --- partially functions -- functions as intended)
iii. product is presented (in an incomplete form -- adequately -- appropriately)
iv. (outlines -- describes -- fully justifies) changes made
Lesson 3 ~ Mon 8th Jan ~ D ii. outlines the success of the solution against the design specification based on authentic product testing + D iv. outlines the impact of the solution on the client/target audience
TEST/SURVEY/FORM ~ Present Scratch stories to peers (in class) and have them complete the feedback form
D (iv) outline the impact of the solution on (500 words):
the client (your animal/ endangered species in general)
the target audience
ATL Skills:
Differentiation (command terms):
i. designs a (relevant -- detailed and relevant) testing method
ii. (states -- outlines -- explains -- critically evaluates) the success of the solution
ii. (relevant -- authentic) product testing
iii. (outlines -- describes -- explains) how the solution could be improved
iv. (outlines -- describes -- explains) the impact of the solution on the client/target audience
Lesson 4 ~ Wed 10th Jan ~ D i. outlines simple, relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution + D ii. outlines the success of the solution against the design specification based on authentic product testing
Criterion D Document and update (I) & (II)
(i) Feedback Form Link and explain the test
(i) Scratch Project Link and explain social media campaign & scratch metrics
(ii) Present data collected from feedback forms
(ii) Present data collect from scratch metrics
(ii) Analyse the data collected
ATL Skills:
Differentiation (command terms):
i. designs a (relevant -- detailed and relevant) testing method
ii. (states -- outlines -- explains -- critically evaluates) the success of the solution
ii. (relevant -- authentic) product testing
iii. (outlines -- describes -- explains) how the solution could be improved
iv. (outlines -- describes -- explains) the impact of the solution on the client/target audience
Lesson 5 ~ Fri 12th Jan ~ D iii. outlines how the solution could be improved
write 250-500 words about how you could make your project better so that it could better solve the problem and meet the requirements of the design brief and design specifications
Criterion D Document and update (I), (II), (III) & (IV) and convert to PDF and SUBMIT to Managebac:
(i) Feedback Form Link and explain the test
(i) Scratch Project Link and explain social media campaign & scratch metrics
(ii) Share data from feedback forms
(ii) Share data from scratch metrics
(ii) Analyse the data collected from the feedback forms
(ii) Analyse the scratch metrics
(iii) 250-500 words about improvements
(iv) 250-500 words about the impacts
ATL Skills:
Differentiation (command terms):
i. designs a (relevant -- detailed and relevant) testing method
ii. (states -- outlines -- explains -- critically evaluates) the success of the solution
ii. (relevant -- authentic) product testing
iii. (outlines -- describes -- explains) how the solution could be improved
iv. (outlines -- describes -- explains) the impact of the solution on the client/target audience
DUE DATE for CRITERION D = Fri 12th Jan
REFLECTION (Part One) ~ Tue 16th Jan
Reflect, Review, Resubmit = Update Criterion C and Resubmit
ATL Skills:
REFLECTION (Part Two) ~ Thu 18th Jan
Reflect, Review, Resubmit = Update Criterion C and Resubmit
Create your DESIGN video (Criterion C iii)
Design Brief (1min)
Product/Solution (3min)
Reflection (2min)
ATL Skills:
REFLECTION (Part Three) ~ Mon 22nd Jan
Reflect, Review, Resubmit = Update Criterion A, B, C &/or D and Resubmit
Create your DESIGN video (Criterion C iii)
Design Brief (1min)
Product/Solution (3min)
Reflection (2min)
ATL Skills:
LAST CHANCE TO RESUBMIT WORK - 22nd Jan is the last day
REFLECTION (Part Four) ~ Wed 24th Jan
Reflection & REPORTS
Create your DESIGN video (Criterion C iii)
Design Brief (1min)
Product/Solution (3min)
Reflection (2min)
ATL Skills:
Digital Literacy
REFLECTION (Part Five) ~ Wed 26th Jan
Create your DESIGN Exhibition video
Design Brief (1min)
Product/Solution (3min)
Reflection (2min)
ATL Skills:
Digital Literacy
REFLECTION (Part Six) ~ Tue 30th Jan
Kahoot Quiz
Kahoot Quiz Question Writing
ATL Skills:
REFLECTION (Part Seven) ~ Fri 1st Feb
ATL Skills:
Scratch Storytelling Resources
Reflection Prompts: Scratch Coding
Reflection Stage 1
Choose TWO questions to answer:
What were some of the most interesting discoveries I made while working on this project so far?
What most got in the way of my progress while working on this project so far?
What have I learned about my greatest strengths? My biggest areas for improvement?
How close am I to achieving my original goals with this assignment?
Outline your thoughts about generating a range of ideas, using your imagination and creative thinking.
Discuss the level of difficulty of the learning activities in this project.
Reflection Stage 2
Find ONE image that best represents your thoughts, feeling and progress with your Interactive, Persuasive Scratch Story.
Scratch Tech Skills List
Sprites - I can select, change, upload and edit Sprites and use Sprites effectively to enhance the story.
Looks ~ Costumes - I can upload and change Sprite costumes to enhance the story.
Motion ~ Moving Sprites - I can control the movement of sprites to enhance the story.
Sequences and Threads - I can sequence a group of actions and create threads of code that occur in sequence, in parallel or as a result of.
Sounds - find sounds, edit sounds, upload sounds, record sounds and use sound effectively.
Looks ~ Say/Think - I can make the Sprite say/think.
Looks ~ Backdrops - I can select and change backgrounds to enhance each scene of the story. I can upload and edit backdrops.
Events - I can sequence events effectively and code for events to occur with specific input e.g. when key pressed or when the sprite is clicked the sprite responds.
Control - I can sequence events and use iterations (looping), repeat, repeat until or forever blocks effectively.
Conditional statements - I can code sets of rules performed if a certain condition is met by using the if and if-else blocks.
A conditional statement is a set of rules performed if a certain condition is met. In Scratch, the if and if-else blocks check for a condition.
Variables - I can code to store specific information (e.g score and timer).
Lists - I can code lists (arrays) to store multiple pieces of information.
Broadcast ~ Coordination & Synchronisation - I can code so that when a scratch message is broadcast, then this triggers actions of multiple sprites and various sprites cooperate by exchanging messages.
Keyboard input - I can code so that the user can interact with the story by asking questions, having the user type a response and storing the answer and using this answer (by using the answer as text or using the answer to trigger an action).
Boolean logic - I can code so that my program features Boolean logic (where values are reduced to true/false OR and/or/not statements).